Halloween 2016


As the new Americans in town, we weren’t quite sure what to expect for Halloween in Westport.  On the one hand, the middle school held a Halloween “disco” for the kids last Friday night which was pretty well attended; on the other, we had heard from folks around town that trick-or-treating wasn’t really a big deal and not very many kids did it and most homes weren’t supplied and ready with treats.


In an effort to deliver on our American tradition (and to avoid major disappointment in a certain trio of little girls), we decided to invite a bunch of kids and their parents over for pizza and trick-or-treating in our neighborhood.  Earlier in the afternoon, Dara and Jeremy went around to a number of neighbors with bags of candy to distribute for those who weren’t supplied, but were up for having the kids stop by.  Some greeted us enthusiastically, some apologetically and some quite frostily.  Still, we hoped we had sowed sufficient seeds for a successful neighborhood outing.

We ended up being a roving posse of 16 kids and 8 adults or so.




With Wicked Witch Hazel and her friend Jade leading the charge, the kids charged through the neighborhood, unfazed by the neighbors who had no candy or weren’t interested.  One woman pulled into her house to find our band of costumed gypsies at her door and she foraged in her purse for some coins and came up empty-handed.


Fortunately, there were enough successful visits including to our next-door neighbors and to woman at the end of the street who sells us eggs for the kids to end their evening hopped up on “lollies” and generally happy.




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